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Unbelievable!! Angry Policemen Burn Man’s P*nis With Fire For R*ping 4-year-old Girl

Three policemen have shocked locals by using a fire log to burn the p*nis of a man after he r*ped a 4-year-old girl.
A r*pist has been left with a damaged p*nis after he was severely punished by some policemen for r*ping a 4-year-old girl. The man’s private parts was set on fire by the bitter police officers. The officers, it is believed did the act as punishment on the pervert.
However, the three policemen have been dragged before a court. William Maromo 45, Charles Muzenda 25, Bonzo Philip, this week, appeared before Gutu magistrate Edwin Marecha facing assault charges. The incident happened in Zimbabwe.
They were remanded out of custody on $100 bail each to 30 June for continuation of trial.
The three were arrested after the r*pe suspect, Washington Togo, aged 19, revealed during his initial appearance in court that he was tortured by the officers.
Prosecutor Agatha Gabriel told the court that on 7 June this year, the trio arrested Togo at village 5 Mushaviri farm in Gutu.
They reportedly assaulted the suspect several times all over the body and under his feet using a wooden stick for allegedly raping his neighbour’s four-year-old child.

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