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Eventnews Market: New Online Platform Debuts For Event Vendors And Planners

A new dawn seems underway for event vendors to get their products and services to their prospective clients. This is through an online platform called the Eventnews Market. The online platform www.eventnews.tv/market according to the founder and CEO of Eventnews Africa Onyemah Michael is a solution to the expanding events industry in Nigeria.

“It is alarming to see how the events markets is growing I leaps and bounds but with an equally growing difficulty in getting most vendors with a click away. With this platform, it is lot easier for event organizers, vendors and other service providers to be able to get each other within an umbrella.”

Speaking recently at the product launch in Lagos, a cross section of event vendors spoke on the benefits to their brand’s visibility.

According to Mr Yunus Afolabi owner of a corporate guard outfit: “I think we are long overdue for this. It is a welcome development and I have started putting together information to showcase on the platform.” I therefor urge others to come on board so we can make it easier to network and do business like other sub-sectors of the market.

Another guest at the event who is into cake designing also said the platform is necessary and timely. He said: “I make cakes but have been finding it difficult to sell out my services to event organisers. With this, I know I can get more patronage”.

The platform www.eventnews.tv/market according to plans would help in creating a network of all stakeholders in the Business of events in Nigeria.

Visit http://www.eventnews.tv/market to start selling

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