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Duncan Mighty Slammed For Condemning Female Nudity Yet Posted A Video Of Girls Twerking To His Music

Singer and Niger Delta youth brand ambassador Duncan Mighty revealed his displeasure at the trend of female nudity yesterday, Thursday, August 4, 2016.
According to him,
“You must not as a lady go unclad to become popular or attain a celebrity status. It’s almost unbelievable that our society hardly see anything wrong in these trends as many of these gory pictures receive great praises and encomiums.”
“These days we have beauty without brain as most of these self acclaimed models have dumped their thinking faculties in a bid to attaining celebrity status.
We condemn this as it does not fall within the values of positive womanhood. I know this will not have as many likes as expected but the truth is told he who have ears let him hear.”

He was however immediately slammed by followers who called him an hypocrite for sharing a video of young women twerking to his music.
One fan commented, “You wanna talk about women having pride and dignity in themselves but you post these on you page because you like what you see?
The self-righteous scream judgments against others to hide the noise of skeletons dancing in their own closets.”

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